This one is a little difficult to explain, as it's clearly a departure from the landscape sort of shots that I really enjoy taking and sharing. But last night in my Seattle neighborhood there was a Guinness Record attempt to establish the largest ever Zombie mob, and at first pass it looks like the record was broken with a remarkable 3848 Zombies registered in attendance. Once congregated the Zombies roam around the neighborhood for a bit. Eventually the zombies and spectators alike (a crowd of over 5000) were taught the dance from Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and performed it together. And finally we settled into two simultaneous outdoor showings of the movie "Shaun of the Dead".
All in all, it was a very strange evening, but a lot of fun too. I hope they managed to actually break the record. Happy 4th of July to all my American friends.
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All text and images © Tyler Westcott, All rights reserved, Unless otherwise noted.