This was taken nearly two years ago, during a trip to Olympic National Park. I hiked with my wife to see Sol Duc Falls, but got distracted along the way by one particularly picturesque mountain stream. We had to hike up off-trail a little bit to find this vantage point, but I felt it was more worthy of attention than some of the points further down stream, despite the fact it required setting the camera up partially over the water, which always makes me nervous.
After making some digital exposures (one of which can be seen here), I also made some exposures with my Tachihara. This particular frame was taken with Kodak TMAX100, with which I had very little long-exposure experience. I believe this exposure was approximately 13 seconds, which at the time was largely a matter of guesswork. The resulting negative however turned of fairly strong and scanned well. There are qualities I like about this black and white image, and qualities I like about the color digital version as well. That indecisiveness must be why I typically carry both camera systems around with me.
Tachihara 4x5 | Caltar II-N 150mm f/5.6 | f/45 | 13s | Kodak TMAX100 | Tripod
See more related images in my Olympic National Park Gallery.
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All text and images © Tyler Westcott, All rights reserved, Unless otherwise noted.