Not far from where my most recent photo was taken, deep at the end of Taylor Creek Canyon, the canyon walls were marked by strange eroded patterns. The sandstone eroded in vertical patches in among the black stripes formed where water runs down the canyon wall. This is yet another case where I wish I had a better understanding of geology, as I would love to better understand how these amazing canyon features came to be. But, we're not here for a geology lesson (thank goodness) - regardless of how this incredible place ever came to be, I wanted to draw in some of this eroded texture into a frame. In my memory I had framed this scene horizontally to show more of the wall's textures, so I was surprised to get the slide back and see that it was oriented vertically. There must have been an obstructrion in my field of view, forcing the vertical composition. Or to put it simply, sometimes you cannot frame a photograph exactly the way you would like, but when nature puts on a good show for you, you have to make the most of it.
Tachihara 4x5 | Schneider S.A. 90mm f/8 | f/22 | 1s | Fuji Velvia 50 | Tripod
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All text and images © Tyler Westcott, All rights reserved, Unless otherwise noted.